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Short hair whoa. It feels so much better than long hair let me tell ya |
Sooooo! It's summer and I'm out of class! It feels good to not be stressed out about anything. However, now I feel like a hermit. I had a job interview last Tuesday and now I'm waiting for them call back. I think I'll get it but I don't want to be over confident. It's kind of scary, I have been really nervous about it. I'm eating better and losing weight again. It's a slow process but it is moving along.
I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. I think part of getting older is choosing who you are and growing out of phases. I'm 20 now and I still feel like I'm constantly moving in and out of myself. I think my whole life I've had problems with my identity as a girl/woman. When I was little I hated being called pretty, I wanted to be "cool". I really resisted all feminine aspects of being a girl. I really just wanted to be a boy. However when puberty hit and I was in middle school, there was a sudden need to conform. Middle school was just really tough on me. I would get asked a lot why I wore boys clothes. Needless to say I tried doing the best I could to become more girly all the way through high school. Each year I was a new person. It's like floating between being girly and masculine from one year to another. In my first year of college I had lost a lot of weight, so I changed the way I acted to fit a more feminine picture. Sure it wasn't the way most people viewed what I woman would dress like, but for me it was a major change that I was happy to make. Now this year I've slacked a lot of it. I think I'm in my in between at the moment.
I've grown a lot with the idea that I don't fit the stereotypical norm of what a woman is. And probably because, to be honest, I don't feel all that much like one. When I look down at myself, I don't see a woman. I have to actively tell myself that I am one.
A few weeks ago I watched an Oprah interview with Chaz Bono, Cher's Son (post top op FTM, transgender). And he talked about how he felt growing up and I really related a lot to what he said. One of the key parts of that interview that stood out to me was from Cher: "If I woke up one day as a man I'd feel terrible because I'm a woman and happy to be one." I cannot tell you how much my whole life I just wanted to wake up in the morning and be a man. Then last week I watched these documentaries about women who either identified as genderless or as someone in the transition stage of going from female to male. I found it super informative and even at times as like holding up a mirror to myself.
People that I'm friends with don't judge me, at least not to my face. I think... I judge myself enough for everyone. I do get some people who try to link the way I dress to my sexuality. I can tell you right now they are two different things. The way I dress isn't because of my lack of sexuality.
All in all I decided to try and start accepting myself. I now identify as gender fluid. I wouldn't call myself transgender since at times I really do feel like a girl. I just go back and forth between the two. BUT I am totally fine with people seeing me as a girl. It's way too hard to be sensitive about how people want to define me. Just let people say what they want as long as I know how I feel.
I'm not gonna lie and say I'm totally happy with myself. It's really frustrating sometimes like I just want to explode right out of myself into another body. But other times it's fine. I like my more masculine moments. They are the only times I feel like I recognize the person in the mirror.
I haven't told anyone this yet except my friend Lauren and It wasn't even this detailed. I wanted her to be the first person since I know she's open minded and supportive.
I met Travis Willingham for the second time. He's a voice actor for Roy Mustang in Fullmetal Alchemist.
Currentaly Watching: Ano Hana, Deadman Wonderland, KHR, Maid Sama, Ao no Exorcist, KHR
Just Finished: ATLA, Toradora, Angel Beats
Putting off: Ergo Proxy, Darker Than Black
Listening to: Thrice, Thursday, Cage The Elephant, Deftones, Local Natives, Manchester Orchestra, Mumford and Sons, Linkin Park.