Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cat and more art.

The wall that I use to keep my cat in the kitchen.
 My cat has cancer.  She pees, poops, and pukes everywhere. We will probably be putting her down soon.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

This blog has no theme besides my complaints and art.

Tyra would be proud. (back from Sac anime which is a whole other blog post)

So class just started.  On Tuesday I went to my Figure Drawing class and I have to say I was really impressed by the actual classroom.  It was like a professional studio.  This is my first art class ever that is actually meant for AN ART CLASS.  The teacher seems really strict and unforgiving.  But if anything young and in good humor.  Not looking forward to the focus on hands and feet though.  All in all not bad, I am actually looking forward to this class as of now.  I got some art stuff today at the UCD book store.

On Friday I have my Game Art class.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's been a while!

Ayyyy long time no see
Well I haven't been on in a while... I don't have much to talk about to be honest.  So I'll keep it brief.

I love this shirt.  I got it for Xmas
  • School starts next week.  I have Game Art and Figure Drawing.
  • I realized sort of the path I might go down.  I'm not sure if game design is right for me but for now it will do.  But I wan't to work at Viz Media in San Fransisco to get my foot in the door and then maybe with enough experience one day move over to Funimation.
  • This year is going to be tough I know.
  • We are thinking about moving to West Sacramento potentially.
  • This summer i'm going to meet Joss, Lauren, and Lidia.  I can't wait.
  • I've been drawing more since I found some pose references and I think it's helped quite a bit.
  • I have accepted my full nerd label.  Verging on Otaku I guess.
  • I went to Sacanime for my first big convention.  It was... interesting to say the least.  I wasn't dressed up in cosplay.  Just a hipster as usual.  But I saw a concert and say some great voice actor panels which are great to hear about the inner workings of the business.
  • My mother has taken up watching anime by herself. lol.
  • My cat is I think dying of some cancer.  The hospital visit was so very expensive. 
  • I've been writing more.  Like writing my ideas down.
  • For Christmas I drew some slight yaoi for 2 friends of mine (Roy Mustang and Edward Elric).  Sad to say it's probably my best work even if it is my most "shameful." I want to post it but at the same time... ehhhhh. (nothing against Yaoi but it's just not my thing. Plus the pair is not something I care for.  But I'd do almost anything within reason for a pal sooooo.)
And now some drawings:
Just did tonight
Nothing like a knock of of Kittan from Gurren Lagann. *facepalm*

This is Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist