Friday, October 8, 2010

Breaking it all down

I have been think too much lately.  About all these things.  The future.  The path.  Myself.

I'll just throw in some Tumblr humor here
I have a rather horrible art teacher that makes me want to rip off my ears.  I have never hated an art class so much.  It's really quite the failure on her end.  She is without a doubt the worst teacher I have ever had.  At some age I think you should just quit teaching.  Like at 70 because IDK how old she is but holy Jesus she looks one day away from turning to dust in front of me.

my actual face
Then on Tue nothing went right.  From dropping my pizza on the floor, to having the grocery bag rip, to a car parking to close to my door that I couldn't get in, to me letting someone use my phone on a dark street late at night in sac, to my teacher hating everything I produce, and then going to my 3D art class and just getting so overwhelmed I had the urge to just walk out and drop the whole semester.

I should not feel so overwhelmed with just 2 classes.  I am not used to being bad at something (besides math and Spanish).

What has been good is making more friends (albeit Tumblr friends) but people none the less.  I have been skyping one of my Tumblr friends, Joss, on Saturdays at 1am while we watch the re runs of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.  And that has been fun, to get this whoooooole new perspective from this whole new person with no ties to anyone else in my life, which is great! And those sessions have been like 9 hours long each time.

I have been working on 2 new story ideas, one of which I have written one scene for and half of another.  I Emailed the first 4 chapters of my FMA FanFic to Joss and Goldie so I'm excited to get these second opinions from people who I have a respect for their opinion in both writing and the actual series.

Thrice- best damn band ever
Then I have been talking a lot to Jonathon and Lidia (of course Jonathon I text him all the time, especially if I'm bored at school).  And it seems like we all are very eager to meet at a Thrice Concert! I'm thinking this summer. YES.  Thrice just went back into the studio so that is really exciting!

I watched an Oprah interview with J.K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) and even though I am personally not a fan of the series I found her to be totally inspirational and put some faith back into me!

I miss hanging out with my friends.  Not that I have that many left.  My mother and I have been a bit rocky for a few months now.  It's causing some bad blood I think.  I just want to move out.  But I really, REALLY, miss my friends. Like Sadie, Ana, Allie (who I wont see for a long time ;__;), Victor, and Daniela.

I have watched some great shows like: Soul Eater, Darker Than Black, and Durarara!!.

I tried making this post as positive as I could.  Because I have written too many depressing posts.

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