- I have developed in the last 2 weeks or so a Riza Hawkeye addiction/obsession. Don't judge me.
- Milk is my favorite drink.
- I think I need to be more forward with how I feel.
- When I hit the lottery, I will pay for everyones college, no joke. To any school they want, their dream school.
- I love post-it notes so much, I receive them as Christmas presents. (one time back in 11th grade my friend Kate gave me plastic cups because of my germaphobia haha lmao)
- I have liked 4 guys, and basically it has gone down like this: used me for good grades, went from best friends to hating me, never found out and moved away, rejected me. My batting average is amazing! (if I seem bitter I'm not). I am the queen of the "friend" zone.
- I once found a lost little girl running around downtown Davis, we found her family down the street.
- I think that if I loved someone, I would do crazy things (crazy in my mind, for them). Like travel, go on big roller coasters, etc, that way if I was scared I could just grab their arm. (guys like being the "protector" anyway. Though I don't think they like wimps either)
- I used to be pretty paranoid about ghosts, not so much anymore. <--weird fact. O_O
- Love is the most confusing thing on this planet next to war.
- I have to say, I find fan girls to be pretty effing annoying, but... truth be told, I am a total fan girl for Fullmetal Alchemist.
- I love the show Archer. Best new show omg!
- OK FINE YOU WIN, YOU HAVE PRIED IT FROM ME....I used to love...The Hills. I have actually cried during a trailer for one of the seasons. *kills self*
- Speaking of crying, I'm one easy crier. Though I don't think I seem like the type to cry so easily.
- I need to tell people more how much they mean to me.
- I'm realizing that I may get along better with men than women. Now if only I could be less awkward...
- I need to get a job at Game Stop ASAP.
- I have some pretty dark memories as a child that I think have very much made me the neurotic person I am now.
- One of my biggest fears is that because of my asexuality, I'll never get married or find someone willing to take part in a relationship with me.
- I would rather be sick than get a shot.
- I don't know If I would take a bullet for anyone. That shit hurts you know!
- I wish I had grown up close to my family, close both in distance and emotionally. They are all strangers to me practically.
- I think the best medicine is truly humor.
- I hate being reminded of my age, since I feel in my own head I'm like 40. But my heart is 7.
- I have a music Myspace page full of some sick beats
- BAM SUCKUH I'M A REBEL. I'll go to 30.
- I don't understand why some people are constantly pointing out their flaws. I understand you want some sympathy, but you don't see me complaining about my weight to everyone. I don't need people to know what I'm self conscious about. Half the time people don't notice your flaws anyway.
- I have a very odd irrational fear of high contrast circles in dense concentrations. Especially if anything is oozing from them. *barf everywhere*
- Some of the worst movies I have ever seen include: Dragonball evolution (wow this movie wasn't even funny bad, but like I could stab myself to end the pain, bad), Twilight, New Moon, The Mummy 3 and this one I don't know the name to but it's funny as hell with the guy from The Transporter and Ray Liotta in some medieval movie.
- Puberty was (and still is) a bitch to me. It's like, hey guess what? Your hair, your skin, feet, knees, fucking ovaries, they all HATE YOU!
Cheers for TMI and lengthy rants! *downs glass of delicious milk*