Well haha I have to say, I think us women are pretty clueless. I have noticed that millions of women read these womens magazines like cosmo, looking for relationship advise. Why would you ask other women for this kind of advice? It has been built in our souls since we were old enough to watch a Disney princess film. Our friends tell us what we want to hear. "girl, your too good for him" or "yeah he will call" or my personal favorite "He must like you as more than a friend". Ladies, we are all clueless.

Now I'm not a single 40 year old cat lady yet, (thank god) so I have some time before I get desperate enough to take those magazines and articles seriously. I think, if I could give some advise to women and incite about the womans mind for the fellas, I would say stop looking, stop being so desperate, and stop looking for perfection. It doesn't exist. Prince charming (or in my case Prince Eric [omg I love him]) doesn't exists. But you can find some pretty decent guys out there. Trust me, I have met some pretty
amazing guys in my time. And I think, it is almost true that all the good guys are either taken or gay, but I won't make assumptions here. I'm not saying I have the answers, because I sure as hell don't, but I think we need to be more realistic instead of making up these fantasies in our head (you know you do it, "oh he said this, does that mean this?). Guys, if a girl likes you, she will pick apart anything and EVERYTHING you say and take it as a sign. SIGNS. Wow the bane of every girls life. Is it a sign? Is he just being nice? I like the quote from the movie "he's just not that into you", Jennifer Aniston tells her boyfriend "I need you to stop being nice to me if your not going to marry me." That movie I think point's out a lot of flaws in the female mind excellently. I remember I saw that movie with my best friend, and every 5 mins we would laugh and point to each other and go "haha I do that!".
But to get more personal-- I did this thing on Facebook (I was bored ok) that was "5 things to make the perfect guy" or something. My list was: nice eyes, funny, dorky/geeky, creative, being best friends. Really the only things on there that I think are necessary are
funny and
being best friends (I
guarantee you, if you're a man and you make me laugh, I am attracted to you, it's just a fact). He doesn't need to be a model, in fact he could look like a blimp. Then I did "5 turn off''s" my list was: cheaters, homophobia, nipple piercings, womanizing man whores, huge party animal. Basically all besides maybe the last are all so hated by my brain.
Songs I have listened to while writing this:
Walk like a gentleman- Eye Alaska
Meant to Live- Switchfoot
Chicago- Sufjan Stevens
Young Cardinals- Alexisonfire
Bad Romance- Lady Gaga *note: I don't like her music, just this song*
Gasoline- Brand New
Hello, I'm in Delaware- City and Colour
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