Well sort of. I mean besides the stress of college (mostly video game design) I feel a fair amount of bliss about some realizations I have had and about my overall outlook on people. Don't get me wrong, I still have a generally negative outlook on people but I feel like since beginning college I have met some pretty stand up people that have restored some faith I lacked in humans. The only class I have really met people in is video game design, but of the people I have met I like them a lot. I guess since (and I have had this theory for a long time) it's almost an "art" class, there is a very unified and freeing atmosphere. I respect everyone. Not to mention I have a great teacher who is easy to listen to. But I cannot stop thinking how much the people have left me smiling. Also how age is just a number, who cares, when people have interests in common what does it matter ( I have always found that I get a long better with my older peers *please note thought, when I say older, I mean like 30 and lower*). I really appreciate how much everyone respects each other for out geekiness haha. I hope that, for the people I have made friendships with continue to be so waaaay after class is over.

I have this feeling of knowing now who I can trust, who I get along with, and whats important. And I have to thank the few people in my life that haven't screwed me over. However, I won't be able to see
most (thank god for the few back here in Sac/Davis) of em till summer starts since some are coming back from south Cali and Denmark. I have learned the meaning and power behind wanting to become a better person for someone else, it's not about giving them the power to see you change for them, but improve on the negatives with the help of others, and I can think of 3 people who make me feel this way.

Now on to
summer, I'm feeling fairly adventurous (which is not that adventurous if you know me) I'm gonna do a few trips to the beach this summer with people (i'll probably play Frisbee and take pics and not so much swim). ALSO the
Thrice concert in June! That will be amazing and life altering as always! Hopefully I'll have good company with me. Also I wanna drive over to the sky high sports place in Rancho Cordova. I mean come on! TRAMPOLINES ON THE FLOOR AND WALLS! But thats not to take away from the extreme amount on care I'll be taking of my mother this summer after her spine surgery.
Songs I have listened to while writing this:
"This could be anywhere in the world" - Alexisonfire
"Be Our Guest"- Beauty and The Beast
"The Gospel Truth"- Hercules
The Shins & Radiohead *
*songs I don't have a song name for from a mix CD
You have such a better soul than me. I make an effort to respect everyone in video game design, but I get caught up in moments of "... the hell is he talkin' 'bout?" Other than that, vgd has been a welcoming environment. I certainly didn't expect to gain a friend. But I did, and life is funny that way.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, keep up the optimism. Always look onward.
Oh and btw, I so want to check out the sky high thing too. I've heard there's lots of ghetto-tastic folk that go there though. You feelin' like a G?
I try to be optimistic, I think I have some negative tendencies but my spirit deep down is optimistic. I never expect to gain friends in any class (and yeah I think I can take everyone except for the old guy omg), but I'm more than happy that I have :)
ReplyDeletePSSSH I don't feel like a G, I AM A G. (I hear they have dodgeball, love dodgeball)