Friday, April 9, 2010

If I were a man

I think I would be pretty much awesome.  I think there are certain things about femininity that I do not fit under, which is fine because gender isn't all physical.  Not that I think in any form I am a male, just that I can understand a males point of view better then other women.

I'm not gonna lie, I'd be pretty cool.  I have always enjoyed male fashion (not the baggy jeans) but the t-shirts, pants, ties, hats.....and beards lol.  I don't want a beard, not as a woman could you imagine? ehhh.  But if I was a man, I would have a lil something something.  I'll tell you one thing, I would wear a black short sleeve shirt with jeans.  Ladies, have you ever notices that a guy who wears this is incredible attractive?  He would be ugly and still rawr.  When I was younger my mother told me this, and as I have gotten older I have realized that she in in fact so right.

If I was a man, people would think I was gay from how amazing my hair and cloths would be, how nice I would be, how awesome.  But there are things about being a woman I enjoy, like sensitivity, emotion, bonds, longer average life span, and making sandwiches.  That last thing was a joke.... sort of.


  1. Pfft, sensitivity and emotion, who needs that? Don't you know? All of us guys are robots.

  2. haha, coming from mister "my tear ducts are cemented closed".
