Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5 things I hate/like about myself


  1. I have a tendency to believe I am better than some people. A bit of a know it all.
  2. I have a bad temper, though I rarely explode (and by rarely I mean years apart and usually it's internalized).
  3. I'm not in the physical shape I wish I was in.
  4. I am not forward at all.
  5. I'm not very open with feelings (of the romantic sort) and such. Meaning I have intimacy issues.


  1. I have a pretty well defined moral compass. Doing evil or bad things in both real life and virtual really bothers me internally.
  2. I'm a damn good friend.  I try to be the the kind of friend I would want to have.
  3. Even though I'm pretty awkward, I think I have a likability factor.
  4. My imagination is pretty cool.
  5. My maturity is just ripe enough to be level headed but I can still have some immature moments.

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