Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's been a while...

I don't have much to say.


I have been offered a spot in some honor roll thing for people in 2 year colleges. Hmm.

Sometimes I wish I had just gone to a 4 years college and majored in writing and media.

I'm all over the place.  I know what I want, I just don't know how to get there... I am so scared of ending up as mediocrity in this life.  And that seems to be where I'm heading.

If I keep walking the line I currently strut, I'll be working in video games.  Not bad really.  But... to say it's my passion, well.... that stretches things a bit. Idk idk idk idk.... I just want to be successful now! But I lack the self discipline to do so!  Sometimes I think I just need to go crazy for a year and then sit my butt down and get to work.

I am sloth personified.

There is no rule book or instruction manual for being the next big storyteller.  I need some of that ol Disney luck to seep in now.  *look at me, I'm 19 and freaking out so much.  I just feel time passing with me doing nothing!*

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School has started, and now the blues set in

Yeah, the post summer blues has set in...or maybe I am just legitimately blue.  I am not sure.  It's been a tough summer.  My relationship with my mother has been stressed.  But it's not horrible.


My feelings about moving out has changed.  I have realized that once I move out, I will be a slightly different person.  Like I can LIVE.  Have people over, or IDK have a guy over without worrying or having to be embarrassed.  Thats definitely been an undercover reason for not dating or having guy friends in general.


My classes are as follows:

Pen & Ink:  OMG.  My 70+ yeah old teacher is so slow.  She repeats constantly.  And just today it took her like 7 mins to draw a simple cube. -___-

3D Modeling & Rigging:  I can already tell, this class with be the root of blood shed, sweat, and many tears.  But I love my teacher and of course my classmates (well idk I only know 2 [one being a good friend] and recognize a few from last semester).

Graphic Design production:  The teacher is great.  My ex teacher who I really didn't like is a "student" in the class.  And they want me to use programs I have never used before. GREAT.