Saturday, October 16, 2010

You know what's something that makes me happy?


OH NO, I SAID IT!  Something people will always argue with.  Because "money can't buy happiness".

Well, really it depends.  Because hitting the lottery would make me pretty damn happy.

Money brings you a little thing called security.  I could go to any college I was accepted into, live anywhere, and work on anything.  Now I'm not saying that you can't get lonely or that money will solve your problems.  But for some people, like me, security is important.  And I think people forget that sometimes that if you want to, you know... do stuff, you need money.  That's how the world works.  If your content with walks by the creek and throwing rocks your whole life then good for you.  But I on the other hand like going to the movies, driving places (gas), eating, etc.

I get pretty defensive about this topic.  It seems like people who have always had money will say it isn't that important.  That they could be homeless and still be happy.  Yeah okay, douche.  And when you do that, and get rid of all your money, can I have it?

I'm not greedy.  I'm realistic.  I have never lived in a place with a back yard.  It's always been apartments.

I won't deny the free things that make life worth living.  A sunset, nature, exercise, laughter, art, etc.  Those are the BEST things.  But to say those are all that matters?  I'd love to live in that little world of flowers, unicorns, and gumdrops.

People don't need to buy me things to make me happy.  I don't care if your rich or poor.  In fact, I rather find it uncomfortable to have people buy me things, and when I borrow money I pay right back.  I am aways pretty generous with what I have, I don't mind paying for your food or even a ticket to a concert.  If I know I have the means to do it, I will because having that experience of sharing time with someone is important.

So to sum this up (because I am not thinking at my most logical right now at 11am with no sleep), happiness can be brought upon by many things for many different people.  Money isn't evil.  It is a good thing to have.  I want the freedom that money provides, and that freedom makes me happy.

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