Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm writing a story

It's kind of meant to be an anime but idk a story is a story right?

So basically it's about these kids, Cole and Kai, they make a blood oath to always protect each other.  years later Cole runs away and runs into a group of people who are sworn enemies of his people.  He fights them and looses.  However, impressed, they offer him a choice, he can go with them and learn to be stronger or stay weak. He leaves with them.  Kai hears he has gone, with no clue what happened to him, she is heart broken. Years pass and they move on with their lives.  But they find each other again on accident as enemies.  She tries to forge a friendship with him, but he is very hesitant.  She believes the oath is too important to give up, he believes it's irrelevant.  She isn't about to give up on the oath, she decides to uphold it even if he resists.  However, contrary to to what he says, he deep down cares but it trying to push her away.

Anyway yeah it's kind of a Action/Romance/Adventure

Let me know if you'd be interested in updates via email so I can send the story.  It's fairly rough now, without editing from my friend Allie, but I thinks it's good enough for a quick scan.

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