Saturday, May 1, 2010

Been pretty sick

With the stomach flu.

It's pretty frustrating.  I was looking forward to play testing on thur and seeing Daniela today, but...NO.  It was thur morning when I was taking a shower when I got nauseous, so I went to sleep.  Woke up, felt better, then felt like crap, then more crap, then bombs away!  I began to "pray to the porcelain god" or "multi colored yawn" (puke).  Uhhh I felt like some pathetic hungover mess hugging the toilet (though I wan't hungover).  So in this pathetic state I texted people for some sympathy including my mother.  She left work and made sure I wasn't dead.  Then I proceeded to lay on the couch, drink some pepto bismol, and throw up said pepto bismol 10 mins later.  Let me just say I don't think my body has ever had such violent convulsions in my life, I sounded like a lion coughing up a lung.  I attempted to send an email over Facebook to cancel some plans, but I guess my body wasn't ready for such excitement as Facebook.  Later I had a body temperature of 100.8 f, yet was shaking from chills.  I became very sensitive to any form of light, giant migraine headaches, and my legs were in so much pain.  That night I couldn't sleep, tossing and turning. Woke up, legs hurting more, neck and shoulders stiff as can be, headache, cold, you get the point.

So basically, I have barely had anything to eat. I'm starving.  I have drinkin my weight in ginger ale. I have lost 4lbs in 30 hours. Best diet ever.  I've only had chicken noodle soup, ice chips, ginger ale, water mixed with Gatorade, a few saltine crackers, 2 bites of dry toast, 2 baked French fries, a bite of grilled cheese, and a few crumbs of pound cake.  Looks like a lot, and It would be, if it wasn't spread over 48 hours and the portions weren't bite sized.

As of now I'm no longer nauseous, the headaches are not as intense, major chest and neck pain, weak legs, I was able to submit my Thrice designs, mom is playing some computer games on my bed, and just finished the amazing movie Clueless! "You're a virgin who can't drive."

Hey! at least I can drive.


  1. Glad to hear you're somewhat better. Oh and I was just thinking you didn't have a few crumbs of pound cake, you had a few ounces! Have you seen hottub time machine? When you were talking about your "multicolored yawn" I totally thought about the guy that pukes all over the squirl.

  2. haha no I haven't seen hottube time machine, I heard that it was pretty bad, though it looks stupid funny. but yeah I'm all better now :)
